Raipur: Bachpan Ka Pyar star, Chhattisgarh lad Sahdev Dirdo is making headlines, after his new video mimicking Bachchan Pandey went viral on social media. In the video posted on his unverified Instagram account, Dirdo, recreated Akshay Kumar’s Bachchan Pandey dialogue. Dressed in a pink tee and denim, Dirdo used the Bachchan Pandey filter on Instagram and was heard lip-syncing Kumar- “ Godfather bolte hain”.

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The video posted on the 24th March has garnered around 25.9k views. Fans showered immense love to the little star dropping heart and fire emojis in the comment section.

Following the trends, Sahdev earlier mimicked the famous South Indian song Srivalli- from Pushpa-The Rise. He rose to fame last year in July after his song Bachpan ka Pyar went viral on social media. The discussion around the song started after Badshah shared a remixed of the song. Later in August the song was featured Sahdev Dirdo in the full version of the remix version.