Bastar: Tendu collectors in Chhattisgarh gear up to gain from the increased remuneration for tendu leaves. Divisional Forest Officer Laxman Singh said that this year a target has been set to collect 83,000 standard bags in the district. With this, Rs 45.65 crore is to be paid to 66,000 collector families. Last season, 77606 standard bags were collected more than the target, in lieu of which Rs 31.04 crore was paid to 62094 collector families. Looking at the production of leaves and the enthusiasm of the collectors, the officer has claimed to have achieved the target this time too.

According to the information, the government has bid for the leaf in the tender process. In which the highest price was received on the bid of Mongra Committee leaf. The leaves here are sold for Rs 10675 per standard bag. This has increased the income of the government. There are also some committees whose cards will be sold at half the current payment rate. The difference amount between these committees will be borne by the government.

Managing Director Forest Produce Cooperative Society Atul Srivastava said that apart from remuneration, tendu leaf collecting families are given benefits of many schemes including bonus, insurance, scholarship etc. To avail the scheme, collection of at least 500 standard bags is necessary. Forest officers have appealed to the collectors to bring quality leaves in the field, which will prove helpful in getting maximum bonus amount.

Earlier in February 2024, Chhattisgarh Cabinet chaired by CM Vishnu Deo Sai decided to increase the remuneration of tendu patta collectors from Rs. 4000 to Rs. 5500 per standard bag. Further, with the implementation of the Mahatari Vandan Yojana, the cabinet approved the monthly financial assistance of Rs. 1000 to married women.

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