Sukma district: A Naxal carrying a bounty of Rs 1 Lakh was arrested an official said on Saturday. Simultaneously three lower-rung cadres also surrendered before the Sukma District police, the official added

The apprehended Naxal is identified as militia commander Sodi Deva alias Prakash. As per the information received, he was nabbed by the police forces during a search operation in the jungles of Palodi village under Kistaram police station limits on Friday.

It is being learnt that Deva was involved in the 2013 Naxal police encounter, in which two jawans were killed. In another incident in 2017, an employee of a construction company was killed in the intermediary firing in which Deva was involved.

Meanwhile, three lower-rung Naxal cadres Madvi Masa, Gonche Deva and Madvi Mada surrendered before the police on Friday, he said. Reportedly, Masa was a former security guard of the senior Naxal cadre Ganesh Uike and a supply team member. The other two ultras were militia members in the outlawed movement., the official informed.

The surrendered ultras were disappointed with the hollow Maoist ideology and impressed with the district police’s rehabilitation drive ‘Puna Narkom’, which translates to new dawn, he said.