Raipur: Delineating to vaccinate the Front line workers (FLW) primarily, the Health Ministry of Chhattisgarh has isolated the railway vendors and municipal labours of Raipur district. Railway employees being at major risk due to their first-hand contact with the passengers haven’t received their jabs yet. 

It comes as a surprise that none of the state’s railway employees have been shielded so far. The question of disparity in the nationwide program has been raised. Thousands of passengers visits Raipur railway station every day. 

Rishi Uikey, chairman, Chhattisgarh Railway Commission Vendors Association Raipur, demands that either get their vaccination done by the railways or instruct the railway contract company to ensure that vendors and employees gets vaccinated

At Raipur Railway Division, thousands of front-line vendors and cleaning staff work as subordinates to the contractor. Besides, there are other contract workers, such as parking chiefs, security guards who come under the non-vaccinated railway employee’s category.

Sources reveal the death of a commercial clerk at the station owing to COVID. Several employees and officers of the department have also reported positive