Raipur: The Food Minister of Chhattisgarh Amarjeet Bhagat in response to FCI for not accepting rice in old gunny bags said” If you tie your mouth and say laugh… Tie the legs and say, “Run, how will it be.” On the one hand, you can’t give the bandana. On the other hand, paddy came from the old bargains, and the rice would also be deposited in the old bargains. How will it go if you have a condition? Hopefully, get a quick mission.”

Committee held responsible for paddy loss

Minister Amarjeet Bhagat released a statement about the maintenance of paddy in the event of weather change. He said that the committee is funded adequately for paddy procurement. The committee is directed that paddy should not deteriorate in any case. If there is any damage, they are accountable for it.

The entire responsibility for transportation and maintenance of paddy procurement is directed as per the district regulations. 

BJP has accused the committee of improper maintenance of paddy. Food Minister responded to the allegation calling BJP ” the rhetoric inciters.”

Chhattisgarh paddy procurement policy

The committee has formulated a policy to address and address 20 lakh metric tonnes of paddy.  For the settlement of the remaining 40 lakh, metric tonne produce they have approached the Food Minister of the Government of India. The centre agreed to collect rice in the state’s 60 lakh metric tonne central bridge, but it was only 24 lakh metric tonnes when it came to contract.

‘Paddy procurement is essential for Naxalism’- All departments across the state demand the culmination of Naxalism and so have re-written to the centre for quick action.