Raipur: Chhattisgarh’s Capital Raipur would witness a low key celebration on the occasion of Independence Day. Authorities have begun their preparation at the Police Parade Ground. 

With a change in the program this year, all platoons have been screened for COVID-19 and have been strictly instructed to dorn masks. Students representing the NCC squad have also been instructed to undergo COVID-19 tests. Citing the resurgence, authorities have restricted students and visitors to the celebrations.

Earlier on Tuesday, Deputy Secretary to the Governor, Shri Deepak Kumar Agarwal announced low key celebrations for August 15 this year. 

As per the revised edition, CM Baghel would hoist the flag following which a solute would be featured. The event would conclude with CM Bagehl’s message. 

The state authorities also issued a list of chief guests that would solicit the event in the districts and tehsil level. All schools and organizations have been restricted to host avid celebrations amid the pandemic.