Raigarh: With more than 1 lakh infections recorded across the nation during the first week of April 2021, India surpassed the US infective count.

Just months ago, millions of migrant workers had returned from their villages to pick up work in factories, restaurants and markets that had begun humming again after a stringent nationwide lockdown imposed in March last year. Several judiciaries across the country issued orders to curtail the spread, cracking down on the lives of the migratory workers.  

Raigarh district of Chhattisgarh, recognized as the major steel manufacturer and iron ore across the country recorded an enormous influx of migrants due to the unprecedented surge in infections. However, with the efforts of SP Raigarh, Santosh Kumar Singh and his team, timely aid was provided to the stranded and needy.

During the unprecedented surge of the novel virus, the Raigarh team established a help desk that consisted of a gazetted DSP rank officer and a team of 10 subordinates who coordinated with all the police stations of Raigarh in providing relief to workers across the state. 

 With the majority of the migrant population residing in the state, the police officials were tasked to provide all essential needs. Operating on a 24hour basis, the team provides medical and logistics aid to the needy. Patrolling officers were activated to distribute food and ration packets all around the city. The police officials claim to have distributed nearly 35,200 ration packets during lockdown 2.0.

The Raigarh Police added additional stars to its badge, registering a world record in India Book of Records, Asia Book of Records and Golden book of Records, by distributing 13 lakh masks marking the success of the awareness drive “Ek Rakshasutra Mask Ka.”

Raigarh dealt with the worst phase of COVID-19 during the second surge.  However, with close monitoring of all social gathering places, implementation of stringent measures and strict action against violators.