Raipur: A few days back, Tarun Sahu (50), editor of a Hindi daily from Chhattisgarh, lodged a complaint to the Bilaspur police against three con mans, Dr. Jiya-Ul-Haq Rehmani (33), Prabhudeep Singh (34) and Deepak Chatterjee (31), the first two hailing from Uttar Pradesh while the third, from Delhi.

The three accused tricksters cheated the editor Sahu of Rs. 35 lakh, and also looted his friends Ramakant Sahu (Rs. 22 lakh), Bhagwat Sahu (Rs. 15 lakh), Deepak Sharma (Rs. 10 lakh), falsely ensuring them admission of their children in MBBS course, in Delhi University.

“Acting on a tip, a joint team of Chhattisgarh and Maharashtra Police nabbed Deepak from Dilshad Colony in Delhi while Rehmani and Singh were arrested from Ghaziabad in Uttar Pradesh”, stated Prashant Agarwal, the Superintendent of Police, Bilaspur. “Police seized five mobile phones and Rs. 5 lakh cash from them”, added Agarwal.

All of the 3 accused confessed their crime, which they committed by trapping the victims by creating an illusion of big-league contacts and a luxurious lifestyle, claiming that they can easily handle the admission issues with the help of their high-profile contacts.