New Strain Of Coronavirus Looms Large On Durg

Durg: The threat of a new strain of Coronavirus looms large over Chhattisgarh as 2 returnees from Mumbai have been tested positive today. The Covid test report of two children that reached Durg by road from Maharashtra on October 7th has come positive.  So they are being suspected of being a new strain in Corona. Apart from this, 3 others have also been found corona positive in the district on the same day. 

Chief Medical Health Officer (CMHO) Dr. Gambhir Singh says that samples of both the children will be sent to Raipur for testing of the new strain. CMHO further added that the entire health department is on alert regarding the new strain. If the new strain shows symptoms in the test, then further precautions will be taken. Family members have been asked to remain in quarantine.

The number of corona patients has started increasing once again in Durg. In a week, 11 corona positives have been found here. In this regard, the Health Department claims that more number of Covid tests has been done in the last 2-3days; hence the number of patients has increased. 

15,984 people have been vaccinated against Covid in Durg district. On October 7th, 7984 people were vaccinated against corona in a single day in the district. For people to get both doses of corona vaccine, vaccines of Coveshield and Covaccine are being administered at different centers.