New Delhi: It was March 22, which gobsmacked all citizens last year. India endured a stringent lockdown strategy after PM Modi had declared it officially on 19 March 2020. 

Nation conquered by the virus

The prime minister’s appeal was followed by a bell of the transition across the country. The lockdown rendered peace in the streets, and markets all over the motherland. On March 22, the countrymen were imprisoned inside the houses, implementing the appeal.

The PMs appeal

Modi had urged all citizens to stand at the doors and windows of their homes at 5 p.m. in honour of those who were serving the nation during such difficult times by clapping or ringing for five minutes. People stood actively participated in this socially distanced event appreciating the FLWs and HCWs of the nation. 

Thereafter, awareness against COVID increased and all sections of the society turned to the COVID shields- masks and sanitisers.

Current Situation of Coronavirus in India?

India is currently witnessing a second wave of the pandemic and so far it has recorded over 1,15,99,130 positive COVID-19 cases, out of which 1,11,30,288 have recovered and 1,59,755 have died.

Meanwhile, India’s Covid-19 vaccination coverage crossed the 4-crore mark since the immunisation drive began in January.