Bilaspur: Arjun Bhojwani, the former Mandal President of BJP, was attacked. This particular incident was later captured on video circulating around the social media platforms. The video also shows a man attacking and injuring the BJP leader by bending him down and pelting stones at him. It has been, therefore, not surprising that the police have filed reports against the accused in this case. Late in the evening, an unfortunate event happened in the Kotwali region. As initially learnt, like any other day, this morning, Arjun Bhojwani of BJP, the ex-Mandal President, had stepped out for a morning walk. He had some altercation with the goons at that time in relation to something near the riverfront of Kotwali police station area. They took the disagreement much further and actually began to fight physically.

When the scuffle was on, a rowdy attacked him and threw him down on the ground before head-knocking him with stones. Arjun Bhojwani, the show’s main protagonist, sustained an injury in this incident. Meanwhile, onlookers did not take a more active part in the situation they witnessed. The BJP leader, incidentally, has formally registered an official complaint to the police regarding the matter. A police complaint has been lodged, and an investigation to nab the accused has started. The police force has filed a case and started working on investigations of this morning’s walk incident.

The event has elicited a lot of reactions and has prompted debates on the level of security provided to top political personalities and the use of violence. It may be commonplace, but any state’s political leaders, irrespective of their respective sides, should be allowed the freedom to perform or engage in their respective capacities without any danger of encountering violent forces. Opportunities like these are not only a danger to the lives of the people involved who sacrificed their lives as a result of voting but to democracy and the rule of law as well.

In this case, it is hoped that the authorities will respond swiftly, apprehend the people behind the incidents and bring them to book. Furthermore, efforts should be made regarding working on security measures and guaranteeing safety to political figures more so during volatile times.

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