Sukma: In a big success against Naxalism, police in Chhattisgarh’s Sukma district nabbed three Maoists, two of them having rewards on their head. The operation was conducted in the Chintagufa police station, where the Chintagufa police force and the District Reserve Guard (DRG) arrested the culprits.
From the arrested Maoists, one was carrying a cash reward of upto ₹ 2 lakh, while another one up to ₹ 1 lakh. They were participants in the 2024 event near Duled, wherein a pickup vehicle was vandalized and later burned. The arrest is also taken under the operation going on against Naxal under the South Bastar Division.
The police claimed that on January 16, 2025, a joint team of Chintagufa police station and DRG conducted an anti-Naxal operation in the forest areas of Duled Metaguda Erranpalli and its adjoining regions. In the course of the operation, the team identified a few people of interest in the Duled forest region. When they sighted the police, they put in effort to escape but were given a good run and blockage before being arrested. The three who confessed were deemed active Maoists involved in other criminal activities as well.
The arrested individuals are:
- With a reward of ₹2 lakh for the Agriculture Team Member, Madkam Nanda is a resident of Madpe, Chintagufa, Sukma.
- Kawasi Lakhma, Janatana Sarkar Member, ₹1 lakh announced, Kanchal, Pamed, Bijapur resident.
- The DAKMS President, Madkam Nanda, collected ₹1 lakh reward along with Kanchal, Pamed, and Bijapur.
Maoists were interrogated, and according to them, they admitted involvement in the Duled incident and all other Naxal-related crimes in the district. The case was reported under no 03/2024 at Chintagufa police station.
Altogether the arrested individuals were produced before court on January 17, 2025 and were then taken into judicial custody. This successful operation shows how hard the police have been working in continuing operations against Naxalism in the area.
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