Balod, Chhattisgarh: In the Balod district of Chhattisgarh, symptoms of lumpy virus have been found in more than 350 cows in the last 5 days, after which the Animal Husbandry Department has become alert. The department has sent samples of these cows to a Raipur lab for testing. The Animal Husbandry Department is now awaiting the report so that the lumpy virus can be confirmed.

The Animal Husbandry Department has started identifying such animals which are sick and have symptoms similar to those caused by the lumpy virus. District Animal Husbandry Officer DK Sahare said that in both Deepak Dairy and Virendra Dairy, more than two hundred and fifty cows are sick. He said that there is a demand for the Lumpy virus vaccine in the Balod district and so far 40,000 animals have been vaccinated. Preparations are being made to deal with this virus on a war footing.

The virus has started taking the lives of the cattle; 4 small calves in the village of Dundera and one large animal in Mahud village have died after getting affected by the Lumpy virus. After the matter came to light, the department is busy treating the animals by setting up camps continuously.

Balod Collector Kuldeep Sharma had also called an emergency meeting of officials on Friday regarding the lumpy virus. He had given instructions to the officials to make the farmers aware of the lumpy virus because most of the villagers are not aware of its symptoms and effects as they lack information. The Collector has given instructions to do monitoring at the Panchayat level and make animal farmers aware through Panch-Sarpanch and District Kotwar. Cattle getting affected by the virus in other parts of the country has also been reported.