Chhattisgarh: Chhattisgarh Chief Minister Bhupesh baghel on Friday writes a letter to Prime minister Narendra modi, giving the latter suggestions over the roadmap ahead for lockdown 4.0 and resumption of various economic activities.

In response to prime ministers call for suggestion from Chief Ministers of all states for formulating strategies for fourth phase of lockdown, Chhattisgarh Chief Minister Bhupesh Baghel has written a letter to Prime Minister Narendra Modi submitting his suggestions in this regard.

In the letter, chief minister said it is now upmost important to bring economy back on track by allowing the businesses and various commercial activities to resume with precautionary measures. Sale of essential and non-essential items should be permitted in all areas except containment zones.

Baghel further stated that all types of e-commerce activities could also be given a go ahead. Hotel industry should be permitted to provide only lodging facility with the condition of maintaining social distancing. Restaurants, bar, spa etc in these hotels should not be given any relaxation. He suggested that independently working technician, electrician, mechanics etc should be allowed and permitted to open shops for their tools and equipment.

The chief minister said construction work in urban areas should be approved with condition of adhering to maintaining social distancing. Permission for pass to allow transportation facility for laborers should be made mandatory.

On demarcation of areas as red, orange and green zones on the basis of corona positive cases, CM said that the Centre should give states a free hand to categorize various districts in different zones.

Expressing his views over the inter-state border , the chief minister said opening inter-state borders at this moment will not be appropriate. Inter-state transport should be allowed for stranded laborers and people of other categories. The information regarding their arrival should be shared with the state so that necessary measure could be taken and procedure of quarantine followed.

Restrictions on non-essential interstate transport till June 15 is currently required. Transportation must be done with permission only for urgent reasons. In addition to labor special trains, new trains should be run only with the consent of the states concerned.

Similarly, transport of persons by air should be for stranded persons only. For general and non-essential reasons, it will not be appropriate to be allowed to move. It would be appropriate to suspend public transport services for the time being.

Baghel has written that Chhattisgarh has contributed well in the national efforts being made to control Covid-19. Along with controlling the infection, the state government is also supporting the central government and other state governments in the work of providing relief to the affected people. After the first phase lockdown, gradually different types of discounts have been given by the Government of India.

Also, a large number of workers and other persons are coming to Chhattisgarh from other corona infection affected states. Due to this, there is a possibility of re-infection in Chhattisgarh. Therefore, it would not be appropriate to open inter-state boundaries in the next few months with a view of caution.

Chief Minister Baghel has requested Prime Minister to consider these suggestions. He said empowering the states will definitely enhance their ability to fight Corona. Chhattisgarh government is always ready for the cooperation of the central government and other state governments.