Bematra: A heartbreaking incident is reported from Urla, Chhattisgarh where an infant was abducted and murdered on April 5th. Reportedly, Pushpa Chetan and Gajendra Chetan filed a complaint at the Urla police station, against the accused neighbour Panchem, as their younger son Harsh Chetan went missing after he had taken a bike ride with the accused.

After a complaint was lodged at the Urla Police Station, CCTV footage was extracted from the area following which an anti-crime and cyber unit was deployed to Maharashtra where the accused was reportedly hiding. After tracing the accurate location near Nagpur on April 7th, the team nabbed the accused.

On interrogation, it was learnt that the accused burnt the 4-year-old to fulfil a wish demanding a human sacrifice. The incident took place at a village Hasda district Bematra, police said.