Durg: The State Health Minister, Dr Shyam Bihari Jaiswal, graced the program for the Kosariya Yadav community of Durg. However, his visit took a serious dimension as to what he was doing during the event after he was caught on camera, which shifted into action mode. A sudden visit to the Durg District Hospital made a big fuss among district health officials, the health department, and the Health Minister. All the staff became anxious, especially when he gave a surprise visit to the company.

Minister Jaisawl also noticed several complications in the architectural structures and designs of the building, which was to be used as a women’s isolation ward. Durg District Hospital built the ward at the cost of ₹80 lakh. Upon being informed of these concerns, the Health Minister proceeded to inspect the said building personally. The discrepancies were so large that the Minister of the state, Jaiswal, directed the instant termination of Lalit Verma, the Sub-Engineer of CGMSC (Chhattisgarh Medical Services Corporation), along with the construction.

The first problem associated with the building was that the roof had almost bent and was sinking just a few years after the construction was over. When the community realized what had happened, the contractor just painted over the areas that he or she had messed up. However, the situation was this bad that the doctors had to transfer all female patients from the isolation ward to other wards for security’s sake.

To address this unpleasant state of affairs, Minister Jaiswal directed the District Health Officer to prepare the estimate for repairs and remedial measures for the hospital facilities. He also avowed that financing of these works will start immediately so that these essential works would be achieved without any hindrances.

The fact that Minister Jaiswal decided to visit this hospital unannounced and took immediate action shows his concern regarding maintaining the standard of the public health sector and protecting the patients there.

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