Chhattisgarh: The Raipur police on Sunday, charged Nand Kumar Baghel, father of CM Baghel under the IPC section 153-A (an offence for promoting disharmony, enmity, hatred between different groups) and 505-A( punish speech causing fear or alarm among a group or provoke violence) for his derogatory comments against a particular community.

Speaking about the Brahmin community, Nand Kumar said, “I am urging all the villagers of India to not let the Brahmins enter your villages. I will talk to every other community so that we can boycott them. They need to send back to the bank of the Volga River,”

As per the information provided by the police officials, the FIR has been registered by Avnesh Pandey, Soumitra Mohan and other members of the Brahmin community against the CMs father for instigating communal rivalry and hurting their sentiments.

Earlier during the day, CM Baghel expressed anguish over the statement of his 86 year father and asserted,” As a son, I respect my father but as the chief minister I cannot pardon anyone’s wrong or fault that wrecks the social order or harmony. For us the law is supreme.”

The video of senior Baghel issuing derogatory remarks flooded social media for which he received huge criticism.

Also Read: High Command Calls for Leaders Meet on Friday, CM Baghel to Fly to Delhi