Bijapur: Lack of orderliness in Awapalli village local cooperative bank has begun raising concern among farmers and villagers in the Usur block. Although the money markets are effectively designed to address mobility issues, the farmers and villagers who travel from remote areas for their daily needs often experience problems in their transactions. The people of Awapalli village in Bijapur district have complained and blamed the inefficiency of the bank on their management and employees. The villagers explained the essence of coming to this given bank as the fact that most of them wished to be paid for their sold paddy. They also wish to be paid so that they may be in a position to buy seeds and fertilizers for their farming as and when they need them.

But when they get to the bank, they are told that they cannot process the transaction due to a power outage or connectivity problem; thus, they are disappointed, having walked all the way. This is not something that happens once in a while but occurs every single day, which adds a great deal of stress for the village’s residents. Money transactions always seem challenging in this modality, making them fear that they may lag behind in farming. Despite this, the bank officials are seemingly not doing enough to address the problem and seem to be breaching their duties in the process.

They address the ongoing issues such as misappropriation of funds and other irregularities that are continually reported to the Sub-Divisional Magistrate (SDM) of Usur, Mr. Gawde. He was confident they had talked to the bank management and told them they should correct the transaction troubles on time.

It must be said that the inefficiencies outlined above may have the worst effects on the local farmers. The use of cash at the correct time is important to these villagers for their agricultural activities, which is the major source of their income. They fail to access credit to purchase essential inputs for farming that would enable them to produce food crops, and if they are paid late, they miss several deals and experience losses. It becomes evident how annoyed the villagers are by their constant visits to the bank without getting any assistance from the officials.

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