Dantewada: In a bizarre incident on Thursday, a diesel filled tanker overturned in Dantewada district of Chhattisgarh. The villagers after the accident reached the spot and started filling up their containers with diesel without giving enough attention to the injured people nearby. The passing by witnesses said that the tanker overturned in a bid to save a biker who was coming from opposite side.

A video showing people rushing to the spot with containers is viral on all social media platforms. The biker along with the truck driver and helper got serious injuries in the accident. They are admitted to the Civil Hospital for treatment.

As soon as the tanker overturned, the diesel started flowing out in the road and towards the fields.

The Transport Police on getting the information reached the accident spot immediately and disbursed the crowd and restricted them from unlawfully collecting diesel. The villagers’ side lined the biker who was badly injured and was in need of urgent first aid. Social Media users condemned the act of villagers and urged the officials to take steps to avoid any such incidents in future.