Durg: The BJP government in Chhattisgarh, led by Chief Minister Vishnudeo Sai, has shifted into action mode regarding the ongoing trend of religious conversions in the state. The government, headed by Vishnudeo Sai, is now actively preparing to formulate laws addressing religious conversions. Amidst these developments, a significant statement from Chief Minister Vishnudeo Sai on the issue of religious conversions has come to the forefront.

Chief Minister Sai highlighted that India is a secular country where individuals have the freedom to adopt any religion without facing objections. However, he emphasized that inducing someone to change their religion through tactics such as exploiting poverty, lack of education, or offering inducements is unacceptable and will not be tolerated.

The context of this statement is the continuous occurrence of religious conversion cases in Chhattisgarh. Recently, an incident of religious conversion emerged in the city of Durg, where there was a clash between members of a Hindu organization and missionary community, leading to a physical altercation. The government is actively investigating the matter to ascertain the facts surrounding the incident.

It’s important to note that the government had recently announced its intent to introduce laws to address the issue of religious conversions. Chief Minister Vishnudeo Sai’s statement further underscores the government’s commitment to ensuring religious freedom while addressing concerns related to unethical and coercive conversion practices.

The proactive stance of the Chhattisgarh government reflects its determination to safeguard the rights and choices of individuals in matters of faith, promoting a secular and tolerant society. As the government moves forward with the formulation of new laws, it aims to strike a balance between religious freedom and preventing the exploitation of vulnerable individuals for conversion purposes. The ongoing investigations into recent incidents will likely inform the drafting of these laws, ensuring a comprehensive and effective approach to address the complexities surrounding religious conversions in the state.

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