Raipur: Shivrinath Becomes Ram-Filled Witnessed by CM Sai in Ayodhya. In a grand ceremony, the live broadcast of the consecration of Lord Rama’s idol took place in Ayodhya. CM Sai, State Head Om Mathur, and other dignitaries attended, expressing deep reverence. The divine moment resonated with prayers, chants, and hymns, echoing devotion to Lord Rama. The sacred occasion marks Lord Rama’s return to Ayodhya, celebrated with fervent bhajans and traditional rituals. The city of Shivrinath, also known as Shabri and Narayan’s blessed land, reverberated with spiritual energy. The live broadcast showcased the majestic idol of Lord Rama, and as devotees beheld the divine sight, an atmosphere of deep reverence enveloped the venue. The melodious tunes of Ram bhajans filled the air, accompanied by the rhythmic sounds of devotees offering prayers.

Shivrinath, often referred to as the hidden gem of Chhattisgarh, holds significant historical and religious importance. It is believed that during the Treta Yuga, Mata Shabri served Lord Rama in this sacred land by offering him berries. The Akshay Vat Vriksha, associated with this divine incident, still stands, its leaves resembling the shape of berries. The town of Shivrinath is recognized as a Gupt Prayag, where three rivers—Mahandi, Shivanath, and Jok—converge, forming a holy triveni sangam. It’s also known as Nar Narayan Mandir, with a temple dedicated to Lord Rama. The sanctity of Shivrinath resonates with the spiritual connection between Mata Shabri and Lord Narayan.

The head priest of the Nar Narayan Mandir, Prasann Jeet Tiwari, shared insights into the religious significance of Shivrinath. The town is considered the original abode of Lord Jagannath Swami, known in ancient times as Shivrinath Narayan. Every year, on Maghi Purnima, Lord Jagannath visits Shivrinath Narayan, with a sacred kund where Lord Narayan’s feet are ceremoniously bathed. The Shivrinarayan Math priest, Tyagi Ji Maharaj, highlighted Chhattisgarh’s role in Lord Rama’s life, where he spent significant time during his 14-year exile. The birthplace of Mata Kaushalya, Chhattisgarh holds a special place in the worship of Lord Rama.

With the completion of the Ram Mandir in Ayodhya, the day of Lord Rama’s idol consecration in Shivrinath gains added significance. The entire town adorned with lights and decorations prepares for a day of continuous bhajans, kirtans, and prasad distribution. Devotees and pilgrims join the celebrations, turning Shivrinath into a city immersed in the essence of Lord Rama.

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