Raipur: In anticipation of the assembly elections in Chhattisgarh this year, Chief Minister Bhupesh Baghel has accused the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) of showing insincere support for farmers. He believes that their concern for farmers and laborers only becomes apparent during election campaigns. According to him, the BJP, including Prime Minister Narendra Modi, is actually against the interests of farmers and workers.
During an event organized by the Chhattisgarhi Brahmin Vikas Parishad in Bilaspur, CM Bhupesh Baghel emphasized that it is under the Congress-led government in Chhattisgarh that genuine support for farmers is provided. He cited measures taken by his government to benefit farmers, such as offering bonuses and attempting to purchase paddy when the central government refused to do so.
CM Baghel also highlighted initiatives taken by the state to assist landless farmers by providing them with assistance of ₹7,000 to improve their living standards. Agriculture Minister Tamradhwaj Sahu added that one of the decisions made by the Congress government in Chhattisgarh was to waive loans for farmers during its cabinet meeting. Far loans amounting to ₹17.9 crore have been waived for 720,000 farmers, along with ₹325 crore in irrigation loans. He made the argument that this would improve the prospects of both the state and the country since it enables farmers to avoid being burdened by debt.
Sahu emphasized that it is the responsibility of the state government to support farmers, while on the other hand, people perceive that the central government is imposing unnecessary laws instead of offering relief or concessions to the farming community.