Chhattisgarh: CM Baghel remembering the great leader Mahatma Gandhi on Monday, announced to take forth the Gram Swaraj lineage of Bapu by establishing a service gram in Nava Raipur on the lines of Wardha.

Baghel has instructed respective authorities to identify 75 to 100 acres of land in Nava Raipur and submit a plan of action for the establishment before 2 October this year.

Mahatma Gandhi had asserted that the concentration of either economic or political power would violate all the essential principles of participatory democracy. Therefore he suggested the institution of village republics both as institutions of parallel politics and as units of economic autonomy. Based on these principles, he advocated that Panchayat Raj, a decentralized form of Government where the village is responsible for its own affairs, as the foundation of the Indian Political system and called this strategy Gram Swaraj. The Gandhian ideas of the Swaraj and  Panchayat Raj system became vehicles for prospering the much needed social and political change by including all stakeholders in the process of decision making and public policy formulation.