RAIPUR: As a precautionary measure to keep a check on the spread of Corona Virus, Chhattisgarh Government has decided to impose section 144 of CrPC in both urban as well as rural areas of the State under which gathering of 20 or more people at a place will be restricted. Chhatisgarh state home affairs department has also issued instructions to all district collectors regarding the extension of section 144.
Previously CG govt. has enforced Section -144 to stop the spreading of the virus. The duration of the previously implemented section is near to end on 19 -05 -2020. But considering the expansion of the corona infection, CG government has decided to continue it for the next three months.

The state government has also instructed the government employees to remain alert and available 24 x 7 in this time of need and said that they have to play a vital role to tackle this pandemic. The role of employees in this situation should help to create awareness among people to take precautions and maintain social distancing. Deputy secretary of state home affairs has directed the officers concerned to ensure the availability of adequate stock of essential commodities and assured the people that there would be no shortage of essential commodities.