Bilaspur: In Chhattisgarh’s major city Bilaspur , began the second phase of COVID Vaccination today at 9 am.

Front line warriors from various sectors of Police, Municipal Corporation, and Revenue department were vaccinated today at the district COVID-19 centers.

A total of 9025 employees were vaccinated out of which, 3689 belonged to the police department, 4298 to Municipal corporation, and 1028 to the Department of Revenue.

Approximately 300-400 employees are targeted to be vaccinated daily.

Front line warriors to be vaccinated in these hospitals

All police and Jail personnel were vaccinated at the Vaccine Police Hospital Protected Centre, whereas the fourth-class employees of the Municipal corporation were attended at the town hall.

Panchayat employees were vaccinated at the CHC’s accordingly. The officers and staff of the Department of Revenue were being taken care of in the District Hospital. All employees would be informed via SMS on their respective dates.

819 health workers did not reach the center, and 55 denied

On Monday, 2500 employees were targeted to be vaccinated at 32 vaccination centers, but only 819 people arrived and 764 were vaccinated. 55 of them refused to get vaccinated, and 1618 did not reach the center. The health care department is disappointed with such a response from the people.

The Last chance of Vaccination

Dr. Manoj Samuel, District Vaccination Officer announced the last chance of vaccination to the people. He has warned them about the last opportunity to protect them from COVID, post which the vaccination drive will not be re-held. He appealed to the people to have faith in their vaccines and promised to administer them with utmost care.

By far, only 13689 health care officials have been vaccinated out of 18320.