Raipur: Chhattisgarh’s Chief Minister, Bhupesh Baghel, has heralded a positive shift in the state, claiming that the influence of Naxalism is waning. According to him, approximately 600 villages have been liberated from the grip of Naxalism, resulting in improved living conditions for the local populace. Speaking at a news channel event, Chief Minister Baghel highlighted the noticeable advancements in areas such as education, healthcare, and Anganwadi (childcare centers) services within Naxal-affected regions.
Baghel stressed that the Chhattisgarh model revolves around inclusive development, with a focus on empowering farmers, tribals, and economically disadvantaged individuals residing in villages. Initiatives like the farmer loan waiver have been implemented, aiming to stimulate economic progress and the overall well-being of Chhattisgarh’s residents.
Under this model, over 750 Swami Atmanand excellent English-Hindi medium schools have been established in the state, providing relief to families and enabling students to compete favorably with their counterparts from private schools. Direct fund transfers have been implemented to benefit laborers, the unemployed, and farmers.
Furthermore, the Chhattisgarh government is actively fostering the preservation and promotion of art and culture. The annual tribal festival, organized for the past three years, has attracted tribal teams from approximately 27 countries, fostering cultural exchange and appreciation. The government has also prioritized the welfare of the state’s youth, offering unemployment allowances and job opportunities while streamlining recruitment processes.
In terms of economic support for farmers, the government ensures fair prices for their produce and has worked to alleviate their debt burden by waiving agricultural loans and irrigation taxes. Baghel underscored that over the past five years, the government has diligently strived for the upliftment of all sections of society, particularly farmers, the poor, and tribals, achieving significant progress in Chhattisgarh’s development journey.