Raipur: In a significant update, the Rashtrapati Bhawan has sent out invitations for the anticipated G20 dinner referring to the hosting dignitary as the ‘President of Bharat’ instead of the usual ‘President of India’. This departure from the practice has attracted attention. Received criticism from Chhattisgarh Chief Minister Bhupesh Baghel on Wednesday. He expressed his disapproval suggesting that this terminology by the government may be a strategic move to distance themselves from the opposition bloc that also uses the name ‘INDIA’.

Chief Minister Baghel did not hold back as he vehemently criticized the government over this matter. He speculated on their motives, proposing that opting for ‘Bharat’ instead of ‘India’ could be an attempt to avoid any associations with the opposition bloc that shares the name ‘INDIA’. Additionally, Baghel raised concerns about this potentially setting a precedent for opportunistic name changes that align with the agenda of those in power.

Engaging in a series of questions, Chief Minister Baghel questioned how steadfast this new stance by the government would be. He brought up the idea of a situation where different groups unite under the name ‘Bharat’ wondering if the government would then have to think about changing its name to avoid confusion with the opposition parties. 

By raising these questions, Baghel perhaps aims to bring to light what he perceives as a flexible approach to symbolism by the Center, depending on the prevailing political circumstances. This incident has sparked a vibrant discussion on the significance of names and the politics that potentially lurk behind the choice of words in official capacities. The remarks from the Chief Minister have surely added a fresh dimension to the ongoing debates surrounding the G20 summit preparations.