Mungeli: Chhattisgarh reports yet another collector’s office under the COVID grip.Three officers of the Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan (SSA) at Mungeli Collectorate office have been diagnosed with coronavirus. The news has spread across various departments of the district.

The Education department situated on the second floor of the Collectorate complex, reported an APC positive towards coronavirus yesterday. A note of negligence has been issued by the employees as an adjacent block in the premises reported the detection of COVID-19.

The Office of the Department of Education is sealed with a notice on the bulletin board. Another APC and department head are found infected along with the DMC. However, the officers and the staff working haven’t been issued any notice of home quarantine yet. Fear of spread has stirred up the entire complex.  

The government sectors of the state are most inflicted with the risk of spread. There have been no regulations on monitoring the movement of the officers and the general public. The district administration needs to hasten its precautionary measure to curb the spread across the state and in turn the country.