Bijapur: Under the ambitious Naruva, Garuva, Ghuruwa and Bari scheme of Chhattisgarh farmers in the Bijapur are reaping huge profits.

Following information given by the horticulture department 35 farmers in village Chandur have cultivated chillies on 85 acres of land. The same land was earlier used to cultivate rain fed moong for which the farmers endured huge loss, However, the chilli cultivation was supported by the district authorities that provided full suport for irrigation through borewell, drip line and mulching for group irrigation.

The farmers have earned Rs 1,25,000 against their sow of Rs 30,000-40,000 per acre.

A similar story of success has surfaced from Balrampur where community-oriented women of SHG cultivated chilli in Gauthans. The SHG women have reportedly reaped huge profits from 1.50 acres of chilli cultivation.