Raipur: A 6-year-old boy was found hanging from a noose at his house at in Bilaspur district on Tuesday. On Tuesday afternoon, Rajkumar Bharti, a resident of village Gatauri, went to attend a wedding in his neighbourhood along with his family members. His 6-year-old son Manas also accompanied him. After sometime Manas said he was going back to his house to play.

Twenty minutes later, Manas’s 14-year-old aunt and nine-year-old brother went to see him but to their shock they found his body hanging from a noose. The incident was immediately reported to the police station.

Injury marks and blood was seen on his forehead. Police said that as soon as the family got information about this incident, the family called the police. The child’s father said he suspected murder. Police are awaiting for the post-mortem report of the body.