NARAYANPUR: CG police diffused two IEDs planted in a tiffin box averting a blast in Narayanpur, a police official said on Monday. The IEDs are said to have been planted by the Naxals in the area with the intention of insuring the security forces, the official added.

The IEDs were detected during a search operation that was launched acting on a tip-off regarding a Naxalite pamphlet thrown on a gravel road leading to Gorra village. A team of DRG accompanied by police officials searched the spot carefully. During the search- two 25 kg IED concealed in a tiffin box were recovered along with a few pamphlets.

The security personnel have registered an FIR against -the ‘unidentified’ Kiskodo area committee Naxals at the Edka police station under sections of the Explosive Substance Act.