Raipur: In Chhattisgarh, an Indian teenager used Instagram to commit suicide, with at least 21 of her followers watching the process. This came on Thursday in the Janjgir Champa district, touching the lives of the local people. However, despite efforts by some of her followers to try to get to the scene before the tragedy happened, they failed to manage to do so in time.

It has emerged that the young influencer had been dealing with her personal heartbreak, which could have pushed her to make the dreadful decision. The lady’s parents, who live in Hyderabad, were severely shocked by the news but have not given more information about how their daughter died. The influencer had become quite popular on various social platforms; they often shared reels and videos that had many views.

When she was live streaming, some of them attempted to assist her, and others from Nawagarh, which is 150 kilometers from Raipur, went to her house. But as soon as they got there, they realized that the door to her house was shut from the inside. She was said to have been gasping till the time neighbors forced an entry into the house in a bid to access her, and when doctors at the health facility closely checked on her, they concluded that she had passed on.

The police have since intervened and are looking into the matter together with trying to find out whether any aspect of her mobile phone could reveal her status. One follower who was watching the livestream said he/she felt bad because he/she could not help the influencer because the person did not know her in person and was not sure how to contact her. The next follower tried to call her but could not even get through to her.

This unfortunate incident has brought into the limelight issues with teenagers, more so the social media users. The powers-that-be want parents to monitor the psychological state of their kids more and consult a specialist in case of the latter’s distress.

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