Some portions of Chennai, Tamil Nadu are expected to experience five-hour power outage on Wednesday and Thursday (November 27 and 28) following maintenance works meanwhile the city continues to be crippled by power interruptions arising from hectic downpour. Rains have originated from a deep depression in the Bay of Bengal that can strengthen into Cyclone ‘Fengal,’ IMD added. The IMD has also said that there is more showery conditions expected in the next three days.
The planned power blackouts will last from 9 am to 2 pm of the two days, but electricity supply could be restored earlier if the work on the maintenance is done earlier. Asian markets have been hit in Chennai on Wednesday on North Terminal Road, TH Road Part, Thideer Nagar, Cheriyan Nagar, Sudalai Muthu Street, Ashok Nagar, Desiyan Nagar, Nammaiah Maistry Street, Butchammal Street, Nagooran Thottam, Balakrishnan Street, Fishing Harbour, Dhanapal Nagar, and Venkatesan Ali Street. Other areas which will be affected include Veeraragavan Street, Erusappa Mestry Street, Poondithangammal Street, AE Koil Street, Avoor Muthaiya Street, Othavadai Street, Gandhi Street, Varadharajan Street, Mettu Street, Village Street, Cross Road, Sivan Nagar, Mangammal Thottam, Jeeva Nagar, MPT Quarters, Bal
Chennai and many other parts of Tamil Nadu received extremely heavy rainfall on Tuesday and several parts of the city were waterlogged. There are predictions that deep depression is going to cause further intense rainfall and gusty winds which will be a problem for the inhabitants as well as municipal officials. Rain and power outages are likely to hinder normal living since the populace will be forced to always prepare for the worst from the weather.
The states have appealed to people to remain careful and wait for new information regarding the ongoing processes.
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