The Bengaluru police have sent notices to Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) top brass JP Nadda and Amit Malviya for the video statement during the period of election by the state’s unit of the party. The notices inform Nadda and Malviya of their obligation to present themselves before a Bengaluru police station within seven days. This case is a sequel after the FIR at Bengaluru’s High Grounds Police Station in connection to an animation cartoon, which represented a depiction of Congress MP Rahul Gandhi, favoring to Muslims before Dalit, OBC, tribal community members.

The video aligns with the BJP’s campaign of attacking Congress on the grounds of depriving disadvantaged groups, including the Muslim community, of reservation benefits. Member of Congress Ramesh Babu slapped an Electronic FIR against Nadda, Malviya and BJP Karnataka unit chief BY Vijayendra under the Indian Penal Code’s Section 505(2), which deals with inciting public mischief, and also the Representation of People Act’s Section 125 against portraying ill will between classes.

Additionally, the election commission came in place just two hours before the polling closed in Karnataka state, ordering X to pull down the controversial video. The county’s Chief Electoral Officer, Manoj Kumar Meena, also confirmed that they filed a complaint against the video and that the Indian IT Act is used for these purposes.

An attempt was made to contact the BJP chairman of Karnataka, who was not reachable. These conflicts thereby bring out the danger of plunging the state into serious political instability, a situation where electoral parties are neck and neck in a fierce campaign.

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