Sports: Confirming Maradona’s death, the Argentine Football Association posted a brief message on their social media pages on Wednesday, which read – “The Argentine Football Association, through its President Claudio Tapia, expresses its deepest sorrow for the death of our legend, Diego Armando Maradona. You will always be in our hearts.”

The soccer legend was one of the greatest players, who became a household name after the glorious victory of his team in World Cup 1986. In his memorable performance against England, where he took center stage, he scored an iconic goal, that he later called the ‘Hand of God’.

Later on, his glittering career got numerous scars in the form of controversies. His lifestyle became ill-reputed due to addiction and alcoholism. 

The President of Argentina, Alberto Fernandez announced national mourning of 3-days for the passing away of the universal superstar. The President posted a tribute to Maradona on Twitter, which read – “You took us to the top of the world. You made us feel incredibly happy. You were the greatest of all. Thank you for having existed.”

A statement published by the country’s official news agency reveals that for public viewing, the legend will lie in honor at Argentina’s presidential palace, Casa Rosada.