Mumbai: A Mumbai Special Court today extended the Enforcement Directorate custody of Sanjay Raut in Patra Chawl Scam till August 8. Special Judge MG Deshpande said that the agency has made a ‘remarkable progress’ in the investigation. The judge further rejected an intervention application filed by Advocate Ranjeet Sangle on behalf of witness Swapna Patakar saying she was threatened by Raut.

The court said that Single could not justify how such an application was tenable under Section 167 of CrPC. The Central agency had arrested Raut on Sunday midnight in the connection with alleged financial irregularities in the redevelopment of Patra Chawl in suburban Goregaon and related financial property transactions involving his wife and alleged associates.

Earlier on August 1, the court had sent the Sena leader to the agency’s custody. ED had produced Raut before Prevention of Money Laundering Act (PMLA) Court judge MG Deshpande and sought his remand for 8 days.