WORLD: According to the latest updates, the Covid-19 has infected more than 3 million people and killed at least 209,001 people worldwide.

In the last 24 hours, 36,484 new cases and 2,329 new deaths have been reported globally. There has been a continuous increase in the number of coronavirus patients in all parts of the world. The tally of infected patients rose to 3,025,732 and the death toll has reached 209,001 with 893,196 recoveries.

More than 60,000 people have died in the United States, representing more than a quarter of all deaths worldwide.

Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, World Health Organization Director-General said that the WHO continues to be concerned about the increasing trends in Africa, Eastern Europe, Latin America and some Asian countries.

“The pandemic is far from over,” he further added at a news conference. “As in all regions, cases and deaths are underreported in many countries in these regions, because of low testing capacity,” Tedros said.

The US has by far the largest number of cases with 995,288 confirmed infections. The US also has the world’s highest death toll with 60,671 fatalities.

The worst-hit European country Italy with the maximum deaths in Europe has crossed the count of 25,000. While Spain, France & UK  have all recorded more than 20, 000 deaths.

Meanwhile, the  USA reported maximum fatalities in the last 24 hours. 596 new deaths were reported in the US. Italy with 333 & Spain with 331 new deaths continue to be the worst affected countries. Belgium with 113 new deaths & Sweden with 80 new deaths in a day present a worrisome situation the countries are facing.

There has been a steep rise in the number of new cases reported from many such countries that seemed in a better position earlier. While the US adds 6,592 new cases, Russia too reports 6,198 fresh cases today. Countries like Spain, Italy, Saudi Arabia, Iran, Qatar, Mexico & Belarus continue to increase their count of the Coronavirus patients significantly. 

The latest data presents a continuous rise in cases in almost all parts of the world: 

  • 6,592 new cases and 596 new deaths in the US.
  • 2,793 new cases and 331 new deaths in Spain.
  • 1739 new cases and 333 new deaths in Italy.
  • 553 new cases and 113 new deaths in Belgium.
  • 991 new cases and 96 new deaths in Iran.
  • 286  new cases and 80 new deaths in


  • 432 new cases and 57 deaths in Canada.
  • 6,198 new cases and 47 new deaths in Russia.
  • 835 new cases and 46 deaths in Mexico.
  • 1,289 new cases and 5 new deaths in Saudi Arabia.

Countries with Maximum Deaths

USA, Italy and Spain top this tally. 60,671 deaths have been recorded in the US, followed by Italy (26,977) and Spain (23,521).

Countries with Maximum Recoveries

The USA with 122,675 recovered patients tops this list too. There have been 120,832 recoveries in Spain so far and 114,500 patients have been cured in Germany.

Latest update of Covid-19 Cases Worldwide 


Total Cases : 1,292,153; Total deaths: 123,008; Recovered : 445,377

North America:

Total Cases : 1,073,115; Total deaths: 60,671; Recovered : 149,465

South America:

Total Cases : 138,965; Total deaths: 6,330; Recovered : 49,975


Total Cases : 479,208; Total deaths: 17,417; Recovered : 230,663


Total Cases : 33,280; Total deaths: 1,458; Recovered : 10,233


Total Cases : 8,290; Total deaths: 102; Recovered : 6,838

The countries reporting maximum deaths continent-wise:


USA – 60,671

Brazil – 4,298

Canada – 2,617

Mexico – 1,351

Peru – 728


Italy – 26,977

Spain – 23,521

France – 22,856

United Kingdom – 20,732

Belgium – 7,207


Iran – 5,806

China – 4,633

Turkey – 2,805

India – 886

Indonesia – 765


Algeria – 432

Egypt – 337

Morocco – 161

South Africa – 87

Cameroon – 56


Australia – 83

New Zealand – 19