The Indian made flu-fighter Dolo 650 showed a record break sale of 350 crores in one year. Stack it up and it would be as tall as Burj Kahlifa or rather surpass the world’s highest mountain peak.

Fever, one of the commonest symptoms of COVID-19 raked up the sales of an oval-shaped white pill in a year.  Since the outbreak, this 1.5 cm long pill was sold much more than the other go-to paracetamol Crocin, a survey stated. As the pandemic first hit the country in March 2020, health authorities scrambled to battle temperatures as high as 1050 C.  With the detection of the Delta variant, the death toll recorded a drastic spurt in the second wave crippling the health infrastructure of the nation that scuffled to manage oxygen dips.

As India grapples with the surge attributed to the Omicron, Dolo 650 which clocked sales of Rs 5.7 billion since the outbreak topped the charts of the most sold analgesic. While not just the sale spiked up, Dolo-650 emerged to be the most googled medicine in the country. The pill ranked number one amongst the most searched keywords.

Developed by a Bengaluru based pharmaceutical, Dolo 650 came to fame after the manufacturer highlighted that it contain 650 mg of paracetamol against generic pills.  The brand become synonyms with fever and was the most prescribed analgesic by medics