Mumbai: An FIR which had been filed in the Aryan Khan drugs case has a new situation now. According to the reports, Shahrukh Khan was threatened and extorted to pay 25 crore rupees for the Aryan Khan’s drug case. KP Gosavi, who is an independent witness of this case, was the one who threatened Shahrukh Khan.

It is being reported that KP Gosavi tried to do this on behalf of Sameer Wankhede. This incident happened when KP Gosavi’s selfie with Aryan Khan went viral when Aryan Khan was in Police Custody. Sameer Wankhede, the zonal director of NCB is the number one accused in this matter, according to the CBI.

There are a total of five people who have been named as accused under the Aryan Khan drugs case. These include Sameer Wankhede, Ashish Ranjan, VV Singh, Investigate Officer, and KP Gosavi are named as the accused in the Aryan Khan’s drug case.
The CBI FIR said that, “Sameer Wankhede as then Zonal Director of NCB and in the capacity of the immediate supervisory officer, had directed to take KP Gosavi and Prabhakar Sail as the independent witness in the proceedings against the accused and directed V.V. Singh to let KP Gosavi handle the accused while taking him to NCB office and thereby allowing a free hand to KP Gosavi and others in order to create such a visual impression of KP Gosavi having the custody of the accused and escorting and dragging him towards NCB Mumbai office.”