Amidst the assault by the nuclear-rich country, the world’s largest cargo aircraft, Antonov AN 225 or ‘Myria’ owned by Ukraine was destroyed, sources reported.

According to officials, the plane was damaged after Russian saboteurs entered the Ukrainian airbase in Hostomel, where the plane was parked. However, the extent of damage hasn’t been assessed so far, Ukraine says- it will rebuild the legendary plane.

Why is Myria unique?

The design of the plane dates back to the 1980s amidst a tense race to space between the United States and the Soviet Union. With over 290 feet of wingspan, it has been a huge attraction worldwide.

It was initially designed at the Soviet aeronautical program to carry the Buran, the Soviet Union version of the US space shuttle. After the collapse of the Soviet Union, Buran was terminated and the plane was instead used for massive cargo loads.

The 84 metres long aircraft could ferry up to 250 tonnes of cargo at a speed of 850km per hour. Sources estimate the expenditure of over $ 3billion and five years to restore the damage. The flight is currently operated under Ukraine’s Antonov Airlines and served as ameliorated crises during the pandemic. The aircraft made its historic trip in 2010 when it carried the longest cargo item from China to Denmark. It holds a record of 124 world and 214 national speed, altitude and weight to altitude.