Mumbai: Enforcement Directorate (ED) on Wednesday filed a charge sheet against former Maharashtra Home Minister, Anil Deshmukh before the special Prevention of Money Laundering (PMLA) court in connection with a money laundering case. ED alleged that Deshmukh’s family has been controlling indirectly and managing activities of 27 companies used to launder money. Further, allegations have been made that the bribe was shown as donations made to Deshmukh’s trust ‘Sai Shikshan Sanstha’.

Former state home minister has been accused of misusing his post too as the agency examined allegations that Deshmukh had favored some police officers for desirable transfer-posting. Currently, ED is investigating two aspects based on the FIR filed by the Central Bureau of Investigation.

Deshmukh remains in custody and bail is yet to be filled. Two other staffers of the minister; Sanjeev Palande and Kundan Shinde are also in police custody after the special court denied their bail. So far, the minister has denied all the allegations stating that there is no evidence against him.