North Korea: America’s John Hopkins University has created the world’s largest database for Coronavirus updates. Most media institutions and governments are using university data only. According to the university, coronavirus has reached 180 countries in the world so far. But there are some countries where are not even a single case of Corona has been revealed. Among them, one country is north Korea.

Kim Jong-un government says that there is no threat of coronavirus, nor any case has been found till now. It is a matter of fact that north korea shares their border with two countries South Korea and China, where the most number of cases has been registered.According to data from John Hopkins University as of March 31, there are many countries in the continent of Africa, where not a single case of coronavirus has been reported so far. These countries are Botswana, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan, Yemen, Comoros, Malawi, Sao Tome and Principe, South Sudan. Apart from this, there are some small islands, where the coronavirus has not yet arrived until now.

Where Other countries are trying hard to stop Coronavirus, but North Korea is engaged in missile test. Some experts are also questioning the claims of the North Korean government, while some are also supporting it. Not a single case is being said in North Korea. At the same time, when the whole world is trying to stop coronavirus, North Korea is engaged in missile test.