World: Effect of this global pandemic can be seen in the total number of deaths all around the world. It is worrisome for many countries like America, Italy,spain, iran etc. as the number of deaths and confirmed cases are increasing exponentially. The United States now has more confirmed cases than any other single country, including China where the Pandemic emerged in December 2019. Europe has also traced hundreds of thousands of infections with Italy and Spain worst affected. 

The prevalence of virus in many countries and the death toll is still rising but majority of them is recovering too. According to the figures by John Hopkins University, the country with highest number of cases is in US. It is rapidly increasing as there have been 2,00,000 confirmed cases which is more than double the official numbers in China. Around 3,300 people have deceased in China but now US,Italy,Spain and France now have higher death tolls. 

South Korea,Where the major outbreak started in February,has also seen its number of cases fall in last couple of weeks. Countries like Spain,Italy and USA are badly affected and are still ramping lip measures to try to slow down the spread of the virus. Governments across the world have halted flights,shut down cities and towns and solicited people to stay at home. India and Saudi Arabia have begun strict lockdowns while similarly, movement of people has been estoppel into place across the Europe. 

WHO on March 11 declared the outbreak global pandemic.This is when the infectious disease is passing easily from person to person in different parts of the World. WHO stated,it took more than three months to reach the first 1,00,000 cases worldwide but the number has increased by more than 1,00,000 within two days. China says it has now all but stopped the spread of the disease and the authorities have started to allow some access to Wuhan,the city in Hubli when the outbreak began.