Raj Kundra, the actor Shilpa Shetty’s husband, was released from prison last Thursday, two months after being arrested in a claimed pornography case. The businessman was accused of producing pornographic content and disseminating it through applications. While he was fighting his legal issues, his wife Shilpa was regularly scrutinised. However, when a reporter recently asked about Raj Kundra, the actor retaliated. Shilpa stopped a reporter from asking about Raj Kundra while speaking to the press at an event. “Main Raj Kundra hoon?” she asked. Uske jaisi lagti hoon main? (Am I Raj Kundra?) Nahi nahi, main kaun hoon. Do I resemble him? Who am I, exactly)?”

“I truly feel that as a celebrity, you should never complain and you should never explain,” she continued. Yeh meri zindagi ki philosophy rahi hai (This has been my philosophy throughout my life).” Shilpa has been sharing encouraging and inspirational posts after Kundra’s arrest, highlighting the need of working through ‘tough times.’ “We’ve all heard that hardship makes us stronger, that we learn from our difficulties. This may be correct, but not in the way we may assume. Difficult times don’t make us stronger; working through them does,” she wrote.

Shilpa Shetty had kept a stoic silence on the case till she issued a statement saying she would not comment on Raj Kundra’s case because it was still under investigation and that the family was doing their best to get through this difficult time in their lives.