Bhopal: In a development in Madhya Pradesh, Deputy Collector Nisha Bangere was released on bail on Tuesday night. As she walked out of detention, she displayed emotion and warmly embraced her 3-year-old son. This incident occurred after Nisha Bangere was apprehended by the police one day earlier while she was participating in a padayatra, a foot march with the intention of meeting the Chief Minister. The padyatra began in Betul. Aimed to reach Bhopal.

Nisha Bangere, who held the position of Deputy Collector (SDM) in Chhatarpur, Madhya Pradesh, has been making headlines lately. Despite tendering her resignation from her government job for three months, it had not been accepted. Consequently, she announced her plan to contest elections under the Congress party’s banner with hopes of running for office in Multai, Betul. In order to advocate for her resignation acceptance and pursue her aspirations, Nisha embarked on the padayatra.

While progressing from Betul to Bhopal during her padayatra journey, she successfully reached Bhopal. Encountered police intervention as she approached the Chief minister’s residence. An altercation ensued between Nisha and the police officers which ultimately led to her arrest. However, Nisha Bangere was subsequently granted bail that evening on Tuesday.

This incident has gained attention because of the convergence of a government official’s resignation, political ambitions and the impactful action of a padayatra, which ultimately led to her arrest and subsequent release.