Jabalpur- A terrifying incident unfolded in New Ramnagar, located in the Jabalpur district when a residential building caught fire due to a gas cylinder leak. This unfortunate event does not cause panic among the residents and bystanders. Also destroyed two motorcycles. Fortunately, no casualties have been reported.

The incident occurred when a gas cylinder inside one of the houses developed a leak, leading to a fire. The subsequent explosion sent shockwaves throughout the neighbourhood, causing fear and chaos. In an attempt to control the flames, both residents and passersby worked together to extinguish them before informing the Fire Department.

Upon receiving the call, the Fire Brigade team promptly rushed to the scene. Their relentless efforts eventually allowed them to gain control over the fire after a battle. Thankfully, their quick response and determination prevented any loss of life.

Unfortunately, two motorcycles parked near the house were destroyed by the blaze. Reduced to ashes. The residents and property owners have suffered damage from this fire incident, leaving them shocked and distressed.

The local authorities are investigating the gas cylinder leak to determine its cause. They also assess whether any negligence or safety violations played a role in the incident. Additionally, they will evaluate the damage to the property. Take steps to support and help those affected by it.

This incident is a stark reminder of the importance of safe handling and storage of gas cylinders. It underscores the potential hazards and risks of gas leaks, which can lead to devastating consequences. Thankfully, in this case, the swift response of the Fire Brigade averted a potential tragedy, and the focus now shifts to supporting the affected residents in their time of need.