Madhya Pradesh Chief Minister Dr. Mohan Yadav has expressed grief over the demise of brave police ASI Naresh Sharma while discharging his duties in a heart-wrenching incident in Chhindwara district. He said that “The demise of Naresh Sharma is painful. I express my condolences to the family”.

“The tragic demise of ASI Naresh Sharma, a brave constable ‍ Uttar Pradesh Police, while discharging his duties in a heart-wrenching incident in Chhindwara district is painful. I express my condolences to the family. The brave policeman will be given the status of martyr and an amount of Rs 1 crore will be provided to his family as a tribute fund by the state government. Also S ‍ and. A member of Mr Sharma’s family ‍ will also be given a government job. The accused of the incident has been arrested. No accused who commits such an unforgivable crime will be spared in Madhya Pradesh. Strictest action will be taken against the arrested accused”, wrote CM Yadav on X.

The Chief Minister said that the brave policeman will be given the status of martyr and the state government will provide an amount of Rs 1 crore as Shraddha Nidhi to his family. A member of Naresh Sharma’s family will also be given a government job. CM said that no accused who commits such an unforgivable crime in Madhya Pradesh will be spared. People involved in such crimes cannot be eligible for forgiveness. Strictest action will be taken against the arrested accused.

Chief Minister Dr Yadav said that the brave policeman will be given the status of a martyr. The state government will give an amount of Rs 1 crore as Shraddha Nidhi to his family. A member of late Shri Sharma’s family will also be given a government job. It is noteworthy that the accused has been arrested.

CM Yadav said that accused of such a crime will not be spared. Strict action will be taken against the accused.

The incident happened on the morning of Thursday, January 18, ASI Naresh Sharma posted at Mahuljhir police station was checking at the checkpoint. During this, a Bolero hit him hard. The ASI was seriously injured in this incident. Who were admitted to a private hospital. Where he died during treatment. The police have arrested an accused in this case.

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