SHAHDOL: The PESA Act came into existence in the Shivraj Singh-ruled state from Tuesday onwards The announcement was done at the Tribal Pride Day function held in Lalpur village of Shahdol in the presence of President Droupadi Murmu. The event was solicited by several dignitaries including Governor Mangu Bhai, cabinet ministers, and others including Faggan Singh Kulaste along with CM Chauhan.

According to Shivraj Singh Chauhan, the PESA Act is to empower the rights of tribals. “It is not against anyone, backward class and general class people do not need to fear it, he said at the implementation.”

Highlighting the benefits of the Act, SS Chauhan stated that gram sabha will have the right of maintaining ponds and scrutinize minor forest produce. Under the Act, Labour contractors are instructed to furnish details of the cause the manpower is being hired for to the Gram Sabha. Following the submission, the contractors may proceed with their mass employment.

In his address, he also warned the money lenders who issue loans beyond the dedicated rate of interest.

PESA empowers gram sabhas to play a key role in approving development plans and controlling all social sectors. This includes the management of :

  • Resources over jal, jangal, zameen (water, forest and land)
  • Minor forest produce
  • Human resources: Processes and personnel who implement policies
  • Managing local markets
  • Preventing land alienation
  • Regulating intoxicants among other things

It entitles Gram Sabha as a public watchdog that helps preserve cultural identities and authorizes them to resolve conflicts.