INDORE: Acting on a tip-off, the Crime branch in Indore arrested three for allegedly operating an online cricket betting racket in Indore, the police said on Thursday. The accused used to run a website and had an office in the Vijay Nagar area said the police official. The bookies used an online platform for placing bets on cricket matches by taking money from them.

A team from the crime branch raided the spot and nabbed the accused while the bid was being conducted by Vishal Solanki, the manager of the gang.

A case of the Gambling Act had been arrested against the manager and his associates. Around 10 mobile phones, two computers, and other materials have been confiscated from their possession. Further investigation is underway said the ADCP Guru Prasad Parashar. Tickets for the upcoming match between India and New Zealand in Indore on January 24th.