Indore, Madhya Pradesh: There is panic among the people of Uttarsi village of Betma near Indore where the entire village has fallen sick due to drinking chemical mixed water. The locals of the village with a population of about 250 people claim that chemical water is being released by a private company of Lebed (near Dhar) in the Chambal river due to which people are falling prey to dengue and malaria. 

So far, more than 35 people have gotten sick in just two-three days. These people have symptoms of cold, fever, vomiting, and body ache. Of these, 10 people have been admitted to different hospitals, out of which two are admitted to a private hospital in Indore. With so many people falling ill all of a sudden, the health department has swung into action. 

The department has sent teams there to collect samples from more than 40 people, some of whom have symptoms of dengue. On Saturday, the team of CHO Deepika Prachanda (Rathore), ANM Seema Jat, and ASHA worker Bhavna Porwal from Betma Health Department reached the village. People there said that they have symptoms of fever, vomiting, loose motion, body pain along with cold. 

The team has taken samples of dengue and malaria from the people affected. Some of these patients have very low platelets (dengue) and are undergoing treatment. Meanwhile, cases of dengue and malaria have also been reported from several other parts of the state of late. Cleanliness drives are being carried out by the municipalities of each area to keep away dengue and malaria causing mosquitoes.